γδ T Cell Receptors Services
Online InquiryCreative Biolabs is supported by an advisory board with seasoned professionals in gamma delta T cell receptors (γδ TCR) studies, γδ T cell immunologic analysis, as well as γδ T cell therapy development. We have accumulated extensive experience from the accomplishment of different projects, during which we have received a lot of recognition and praise from our clients.
Introduction to γδ T Cell Receptors
Currently, γδ T cells, a well-conserved population of T cells, have been found in different species, such as chickens, humans, and cattle. γδ T cells are a small percentage in primates but consist of 70% T cells in epithelial tissues. γδ T cells can express certain types of γδ TCR that consists of a γ chain and a δ chain. γδ T cells are derived from gene rearrangement that plays an important role in recognizing a wide variety of antigens and regulating the immune responses against infections and diseases. The variable (V) region, the diversity (D) region, and the joining (J) region of γδ TCR are rearranged by using specific different amino acid sequences. As a result, the difference of amino acid sequence in γδ TCR genes has caused the diversity in the γδ TCR. Till now, the targets of human γδ TCRs are still unclear, but pilot studies have demonstrated that few MHC class-I genes, including MICA and MICB, are ligands for a battery of different γδ TCRs. Meanwhile, many reports have revealed that γδ TCR can also recognize a wide range of molecules or metabolites, like CD1c molecules, in different cell populations.
Besides, recent studies have indicated that γδ TCRs are associated with cancer immunosurveillance and providing the basis for their applications in cancer treatment. Moreover, the co-stimulatory molecules of γδ TCR recognition have been considered as an attractive strategy for preventing the self-reactivity in research. As a consequence, ligands for γδ TCRs have been broadly used for the development of novel γδ T cell therapies against various diseases, especially for malignant tumors.
γδ T Cell Receptors Services
γδ TCR can be a key part of developing successful γδ T cell therapies in many clinical applications. Evidence suggests that the combination of γδ TCR may influence the therapeutic effect and lead to side effects in patients receiving γδ T cell therapy. Therefore, Creative Biolabs provides a wide collection of services to predict and analyze the function of γδ TCRs, including but not limited to:
- γδ TCR Repertoires Analysis Services
- γδ TCR Transcriptome Analysis Services
- γδ TCR Generation Services
- γδ TCR-Ligand Reaction Analysis Services
Currently, we have developed a novel γδ TCR repertoires analysis platform for evaluating the diversity of immune systems in samples from different sources, antigens, patients, and virus infections. To view the γδ TCR repertoires from different angles, we have developed a panel of assays, such as Sanger sequencing, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays, and flow cytometry, to test immune responses in different kinds of cell subsets. Also, our high-throughput sequencing (HTS) technology has been generated for characterizing γδ TCR repertoires in a deep-length manner.
γδ TCR transcriptome analysis is an effective way to monitor the dynamics of γδ T cells in various contexts, such as infectious diseases and cancers. In Creative Biolabs, we have established a genome-wide γδ TCR transcriptome analysis technology based on RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) to assess the expression changes and the affinity of the γδ TCR. For instance, the transcriptome changes of γδ TCR have been evaluated by our labs in patients with adult T-cell lymphoma/leukemia (ATL). The RNA-seq data, including the readouts, gene expression, and quality control, have shown that CD4-positive samples have shown significantly higher TCR diversity compared with others.
Creative Biolabs has delivered numerous γδ TCRs and custom γδ TCRs generation services to researchers and companies all over the world. In our GLP-compliant laboratory, we will help our client with the perfect solutions for γδ TCR design, construction. All the γδ TCR products meet the requirement of authority and the data can be highly accurate and reproducible. Our detailed γδ TCR generation protocol will accelerate your project and cost-effectively get satisfactory data.
Nowadays, Creative Biolabs provides a series of γδ TCR-ligand reaction analysis services, ranging from the γδ TCR ligand identification, γδ TCR ligand expression, γδ TCR-ligand interaction detection, to γδ TCR-ligand binding assays. In a recent study, the ligand labeled by a fluorescent moiety or a radioactive isotope is used for binding to specific γδ TCR. The binding affinity of γδ TCR to its ligands will be further evaluated to predict potency in the development of new γδ T cell therapy.
Creative Biolabs has an entrepreneurial team of highly-skilled and qualified experts in γδ TCR studies and γδ T cell therapy development. The members have originated from a rich academic research background, bringing their experience into translation. We are very proud of providing high-quality, omnidirectional γδ TCR services to our valued clients to remove the difficulties of your projects. If you are interested in our services, please contact us for more details.