γδ T Cell Development Services

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Creative Biolabs focuses on studying the role of γδ T cell in the progression of cancer and discovering new γδ T cell based therapies for cancer. We integrate deep-rooted biological expertise with our comprehensive γδ T profiling and development technologies to rapidly discover and advance a pipeline of γδ T cell based therapy to treat cancer.

Introduction of γδ T Cells

There have 2 populations of T lymphocyte, αβ T cells, γδ T cells. They are distinguished by the expression of either an αβ T-cell receptor (TCR) or a γδ TCR. γδ T cells are a small population of lymphocytes, accounting for 0.5%–5% of overall T lymphocytes and have variable tissue distribution in the body. γδ T cells have been revealed to play a pivotal role in cancer progression through innate or adaptive immune responses. As innate immune cells, γδ T cells can recognize tumor cells independently of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) restriction and quickly produce abundant cytokines and potent cytotoxicity in response to malignancies. Besides, γδ T cells also can promote the activation of adaptive immune cells (such as T cells and B cells) by secreting a variety of cytokines, against tumor cells. Due to these features, γδ T cells have been exploited as attractive candidates for the development of new cellular therapy for the treatment of various types of tumors. γδ T cells have been indicated powerful anti-tumor efficacy on breast cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer, leukemia, and others.

Pro- and antitumor effect of γδ T cells. Fig.1 Pro- and antitumor effect of γδ T cells. (Raverdeau, 2019)

Advantages of γδ T Cells in Cancer Therapy

γδ T cells have several favorable features over αβ T cells for the development of T cell based therapy for cancer.

  • γδ T cells recognize a broad spectrum of antigens on various cancer cells
  • γδ T cells recognize their target cells independent of major histocompatibility complex (MHC)
  • γδ T cells are distributed in various tissues and can quickly respond to target tumor cells
  • γδ T cells interact with other immune cells such as B cells to drive a cascade of immune responses against tumors


Creative Biolabs is an emerging biotherapeutics company that is fully engaged in studying the roles of γδ T cell in tumorigenesis and developing T cell based immunotherapy for various types of tumors. We are committed to offering a full spectrum of high-quality basic research services related to γδ T cells, including γδ T cell isolation, activation and expansion, characterization, production, and cell function testing services, to facilitate the development of T cell based immunotherapy.


  • High-quality γδ T cell development services tailored to your needs
  • Dedicated team assigned to your project
  • Cost and time-saving benefits for your project
  • Best after-sales service

If you are interested in our comprehensive γδ T cell therapy services, please contact us for more details.


  1. Raverdeau, Mathilde, et al. "γδ T cells in cancer: a small population of lymphocytes with big implications." Clinical & Translational Immunology 8.10 (2019): e01080. Distributed under Open Access license CC BY 4.0, without modification.
All listed services and products are for research use only. Do not use in any diagnostic or therapeutic applications.

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